Thursday 8 May 2014

"Mars bar holds massacre memories" Summary

The text i read is an interview to John Kelly, brother of a murdered 17 year old man, killed in the Bloody Sunday. This man is called Michael Kelly.

He was training to be a sewing machine mechanic in belfast and he travelled on bus every sunday evening.

"Once, he asked for permission to his mother to go to a civil rights march. John said:
He was 17, He was old enough to go, But he still asked out of respect to his mother, and we all persuaded he to go"

In that same march, the Sunday 30, january, He was shot in cold blood by some british paratroopers, He was one of the youngest victims of the Bloody Sunday.

As Michael's mother was very protective because of an illness who left him in a coma for three weeks, she followed him to the march, while she was looking through his sister's window in Bogside, sho saw the Soldier F shoot Michael in cold blood.

John has kept a Mars chocolate bar Michael was carrying when he was shot. 

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Prosecute: Putting someone through trial in a court of law and ginving them a sentence or setting them free.

Flee: To escape something

Cherry Picking: Picking cherries

Set in Train: Something that was filmed or acted in a train

Devolution: Evolve backwards?

Aftermath: After the fact/s

The bloody sunday was a shooting that killed 14 and injured 13 in ireland by british soldiers.

That he's deeply sorry, that this should've never happened. Because the civillians were no threat to the soldiers, yet, they still shot them, with no apparent reason, and everyone in the house of commons agrees with cameron, because otherwise, everyone would be cold blooded.